Vitas Jordan Company is committed to maintaining continuous communication with customers to address their complaints and grievances. To ensure the customers' right to file a complaint, an effective system has been established and is managed by the company's dedicated Complaints Unit. Therefore, anyone wishing to submit a complaint has the right to directly contact the Complaints Unit through the following channels:

    • Personal visit to the headquarters building.
    • Company's social media platforms.
    • Completing the form available next to the complaints box at branches and placing it inside.
    • Contacting the toll-free number: 080022155 or the following numbers: 0777666413 - 065831188 ext. 129.
    • Fax number: 065826146.
    • Mailing address: P.O. Box 142356, Amman 11844, Jordan.
    • Sending an email to the Complaints Unit at: complaints@VITASJORDAN.COM.
    • Using the website by filling out the adjacent form.

Complaints unit

    Vitas Jordan Company is committed to maintaining continuous communication with customers to address their complaints and grievances. To ensure the customers' right to file a complaint, an effective system has been established and is managed by the company's dedicated Complaints Unit. Therefore, anyone wishing to submit a complaint has the right to directly contact the Complaints Unit through the following channels:

    • Personal visit to the headquarters building.
    • Company's social media platforms.
    • Completing the form available next to the complaints box at branches and placing it inside.
    • Contacting the toll-free number: 080022155 or the following numbers: 0777666413 - 065831188 ext. 129.
    • Fax number: 065826146.
    • Mailing address: P.O. Box 142356, Amman 11844, Jordan.
    • Sending an email to the Complaints Unit at: complaints@VITASJORDAN.COM.
    • Using the website by filling out the adjacent form.

Contact form

We include here the means of submitting the complaint to the Central Bank of Jordan.

Please be informed that upon receiving any complaint, we will work on processing it and making the appropriate decision within a maximum of ten working days from the date of receiving the complaint and all related documents. The deadline may be extended if necessary, with the complainant being promptly informed of the details.

Furthermore, we emphasize that the company is committed to adhering to the instructions of the Central Bank of Jordan regarding dealing with public complaints.

Personal visit to the main Central Bank building and its two branched in Irbid & Aqaba:

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